িডিজটাল পਤিতেত সংরিਉত বাংলােদশ সরকােরর অিফিসয়াল ফরম-এর সাইেট আপনােদর ਖ਼াগতম ৲
বাংলােদশ সরকােরর ৹ই-িসিটেজন সািভગস৹ পછেচੈার অংশ িবেশেষ পછধানমੰ੬ীর কাযગালয় সরকারী ফরমসমূহ ওেয়বসাইট ও িসিড-রম িমিডয়ার মাধઘেম সবગসাধারেণর বઘবহােরাপেযাগী কের িডিজটাল পਤিতেত পછকাশ করার উেদઘাগ গછহণ কেরেছ৷ এই ওেয়বসাইেটর আওতায় পછাਮবઘ সরকারী ফরমਊেলা িসেলਇ৴ িভউ৴ ডাউনেলাড করা সহ ইেলকটચিনক মাধઘেম পূরণ করা ও ছাপােনা যােব৷ উপরੰতু৴ ওেয়বসাইেট পછাਮ খািল ফরম ਖ਼-হেઍ੪ পূরণপূবગক যথাযথ কতৃગপਉ বা অিফেসর বরাবের োপછরণ করা যােব৷
এই পછেচੈার পিরপূরক আপনােদর সুিচিੰ੪ত মতামত এবং পরামশગ সাদের গৃহীত হেব৴ যা উਡઙ সািভગেসর উਭয়েন সহায়ক ভূিমকা পালন করেব৷
সাধারণ তথઘ ঃ
এই ওেয়বসাইেট পછাਮবઘ ফরমਊেলা খািল ও পূরণেযাগઘ ফরমઘােট আেছ৷ ਖ਼-হেઍ੪ পূরণ করেত চাইেল খািল ফরম ডাউনেলাড কের ছািপেয় িনন৷ খািল ফরমਊেলা িপিডএফ ও ডকઓেম੯ট - উভয় ফরমઘােট পাওয়া যােব৷
ইেলকটચিনক পਤিতেত ফরমਊেলা পূরণ করেত চাইেল িফল-এবল (পূরণেযাগઘ) ফরমਊেলা ডাউনেলাড কের িনন৷ এই ফরমਊেলা ইংেরজী িপিডএফ-এ এবং বাংলা-ইংেরজী উভয় পછকাের ডকઓেম੯ট ফরমઘােট ও পাওয়া যােব৷
ইেলকটચিনক পਤিতেত ফরমਊেলা পূরণ করেত োগেল আপনার কিઃপউটাের ইনপুট িসেੈমসহ বাংলা ফ੯ট থাকেত হেব৷
Friday, October 16, 2009
Passports: Passport valid for 3 months after departure required by all.
Restricted entry: The government of Bangladesh refuses admission and transit to nationals of Israel.
Passports: Passport valid for 3 months after departure required by all.
Visas: Required by all except the following:
(a) nationals of Antigua & Barbuda, Bahamas, Bhutan, Dominica, Fiji, Gambia, Grenada, Guinea-Bissau, Jamaica, Guyana, Honduras, Lesotho, Malawi, Maldives, Montserrat, Papua New Guinea, St Kitts & Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent & the Grenadines, Seychelles, Solomon Islands, Uruguay, Vatican City and Zambia for stays of up to 90 days.
(b) transit passengers continuing their journey the same for first connecting aircraft provided holding valid onward or return documentation and not leaving the airport.
(c) tourist and business travellers arriving at Zia international airport, Dhaka and Patenga international airport, provided holding return air tickets, who may be granted 'landing permission' by the Chief Immigration Officer for stays of up to 15 days.
Note: Visas are not required by Bangladesh nationals nor by former Bangladesh nationals holding British passports provided they have the statement' no visa required for travel to Bangladesh' stamped in their passport by the Bangladesh High Commission. Please also note any foreign visitor overstaying the allotted period may be charged a fine for each day of overstay.
Types of visa: Entry, Visit, Tourist and. Entry visas may be issued for short conference or journalistic trips (although not for business trips).
Validity: Single- and Double-entry: 6 months from date of issue. Multiple-entry: 6-12 months from date of issue. Stays are for a maximum of 90 days each.
Application to: Consular Section at Embassy or High Commission.
Application requirements:
(a) Valid passport.
(b) 2 completed application forms.
(c) 2 passport-size photos.
(d) Fee.
(e) Letter from employer or other relevant letters for business and conference trips.
Working days required: 24 hours for a single-entry visa; 48 hours for other types of visa. 7-10 days for postal applications.
Passports: Passport valid for 3 months after departure required by all.
Visas: Required by all except the following:
(a) nationals of Antigua & Barbuda, Bahamas, Bhutan, Dominica, Fiji, Gambia, Grenada, Guinea-Bissau, Jamaica, Guyana, Honduras, Lesotho, Malawi, Maldives, Montserrat, Papua New Guinea, St Kitts & Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent & the Grenadines, Seychelles, Solomon Islands, Uruguay, Vatican City and Zambia for stays of up to 90 days.
(b) transit passengers continuing their journey the same for first connecting aircraft provided holding valid onward or return documentation and not leaving the airport.
(c) tourist and business travellers arriving at Zia international airport, Dhaka and Patenga international airport, provided holding return air tickets, who may be granted 'landing permission' by the Chief Immigration Officer for stays of up to 15 days.
Note: Visas are not required by Bangladesh nationals nor by former Bangladesh nationals holding British passports provided they have the statement' no visa required for travel to Bangladesh' stamped in their passport by the Bangladesh High Commission. Please also note any foreign visitor overstaying the allotted period may be charged a fine for each day of overstay.
Types of visa: Entry, Visit, Tourist and. Entry visas may be issued for short conference or journalistic trips (although not for business trips).
Validity: Single- and Double-entry: 6 months from date of issue. Multiple-entry: 6-12 months from date of issue. Stays are for a maximum of 90 days each.
Application to: Consular Section at Embassy or High Commission.
Application requirements:
(a) Valid passport.
(b) 2 completed application forms.
(c) 2 passport-size photos.
(d) Fee.
(e) Letter from employer or other relevant letters for business and conference trips.
Working days required: 24 hours for a single-entry visa; 48 hours for other types of visa. 7-10 days for postal applications.
Countries and Territories Conditions of access
Countries and Territories Conditions of access
Burundi Visa issued on arrival [1]
Cape Verde Visa issued on arrival [2]
Comoros Visa issued on arrival [3]
Djibouti 1-month visa issued upon arrival for DJF5,000[4]
Kenya 3 months [5]
Madagascar 90-day visa issued on arrival for MGA140,000 [6]
Malawi 90 days [7]
Mozambique 30-day visa issued on arrival for US$25 [8]
Seychelles 1 month [9]
Togo 7 day visa issued on arrival for XOF35,000 [10]
Uganda 3 month visa issued on arrival for US$50 [11]
[edit] Americas
Countries and Territories Conditions of access
Bahamas 6 months [12]
Barbados 6 months [13]
Bermuda 6 months [14]
Dominica 21 days [15]
Ecuador 90 days [16]
Grenada 3 months [17]
Haiti 3 months [18]
Jamaica 6 months [19]
Montserrat 3 months [20]
Saint Kitts and Nevis 3 months [21]
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1 month [22]
Turks and Caicos Islands 30 days [23]
British Virgin Islands 30 days [24]
[edit] Asia
Countries and Territories Conditions of access
Azerbaijan 30-day visa issued on arrival for US$100 [25]
Bhutan No visa required [26]
Georgia 3 month visa issued on arrival [27]
Laos 30-day visa issued on arrival for US$30 [28]
Macau 30 day visa issued on arrival [29]
Maldives 30 day visa issued on arrival [30]
Nepal 60 day visa issued on arrival for USD 30 [31]
Sri Lanka 30 days [32]
Syria 15 day visa issued upon arrival [33]
Timor-Leste 30-day visa issued upon arrival for US$30 [34]
[edit] Europe
Countries and Territories Conditions of access
Kosovo 90 days [35]
Northern Cyprus No Visa required
[edit] Oceania
Countries and Territories Conditions of access
Cook Islands 31 days [36]
Fiji 6 months [37]
Micronesia 30 days [38]
Nauru 30 days [39]
Niue 30 days [40]
Palau 30 days [41]
Samoa 60 days [42]
Tuvalu 1 month [43]
Vanuatu 30 days [44]
[edit] References
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This Bangladesh-related article is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. v • d • e
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Defunct British Indian Empire · Czechoslovakia · East Germany · League of Nations refugee · Soviet Union · Yugoslavia
Notes 1 Partially unrecognised and thus unclassified by the United Nations geoscheme. It is listed following the member state the UN categorises it under. 2 Name disputed by Greece; see Macedonia naming dispute. 3 The UK has six categories of nationality. Only those who are British Citizens (a category of British nationality) have the right of abode in the UK.
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Categories: Passport stubs | Bangladesh stubs | Passports by country | Politics of Bangladesh
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Countries and Territories Conditions of access
Burundi Visa issued on arrival [1]
Cape Verde Visa issued on arrival [2]
Comoros Visa issued on arrival [3]
Djibouti 1-month visa issued upon arrival for DJF5,000[4]
Kenya 3 months [5]
Madagascar 90-day visa issued on arrival for MGA140,000 [6]
Malawi 90 days [7]
Mozambique 30-day visa issued on arrival for US$25 [8]
Seychelles 1 month [9]
Togo 7 day visa issued on arrival for XOF35,000 [10]
Uganda 3 month visa issued on arrival for US$50 [11]
[edit] Americas
Countries and Territories Conditions of access
Bahamas 6 months [12]
Barbados 6 months [13]
Bermuda 6 months [14]
Dominica 21 days [15]
Ecuador 90 days [16]
Grenada 3 months [17]
Haiti 3 months [18]
Jamaica 6 months [19]
Montserrat 3 months [20]
Saint Kitts and Nevis 3 months [21]
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1 month [22]
Turks and Caicos Islands 30 days [23]
British Virgin Islands 30 days [24]
[edit] Asia
Countries and Territories Conditions of access
Azerbaijan 30-day visa issued on arrival for US$100 [25]
Bhutan No visa required [26]
Georgia 3 month visa issued on arrival [27]
Laos 30-day visa issued on arrival for US$30 [28]
Macau 30 day visa issued on arrival [29]
Maldives 30 day visa issued on arrival [30]
Nepal 60 day visa issued on arrival for USD 30 [31]
Sri Lanka 30 days [32]
Syria 15 day visa issued upon arrival [33]
Timor-Leste 30-day visa issued upon arrival for US$30 [34]
[edit] Europe
Countries and Territories Conditions of access
Kosovo 90 days [35]
Northern Cyprus No Visa required
[edit] Oceania
Countries and Territories Conditions of access
Cook Islands 31 days [36]
Fiji 6 months [37]
Micronesia 30 days [38]
Nauru 30 days [39]
Niue 30 days [40]
Palau 30 days [41]
Samoa 60 days [42]
Tuvalu 1 month [43]
Vanuatu 30 days [44]
[edit] References
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This Bangladesh-related article is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. v • d • e
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organizations Andean Community of Nations · Caribbean Community · European Union · United Nations Laissez-Passer
By type Biometric · Internal · Machine-readable
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Defunct British Indian Empire · Czechoslovakia · East Germany · League of Nations refugee · Soviet Union · Yugoslavia
Notes 1 Partially unrecognised and thus unclassified by the United Nations geoscheme. It is listed following the member state the UN categorises it under. 2 Name disputed by Greece; see Macedonia naming dispute. 3 The UK has six categories of nationality. Only those who are British Citizens (a category of British nationality) have the right of abode in the UK.
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Thursday, October 15, 2009
Types of Bangladesh Passport

Types of Bangladesh Passport
There are three types of passports that a Bangladeshi citizen may hold.
Regular or Tourist passport (green cover)
This is the most common type of passport. Any citizen of Bangladesh may possess a "regular" or "tourist" passport for international travel. Children traveling under the age of 10 years do not require this passport and may travel under their mother's passport. The maximum validity period of a "tourist" or "regular" passport is 10 years.
Official passport (green cover with identifying blue stamp on the first page)
Government officials of Bangladesh are entitled to carry this type of passport. It provides the holders with visa free access to certain countries that usually don't allow visa free access to "regular" or "tourist" passport holders. The "official" passport is identified by a blue stamp on the first page that reads "Official". Citizens holding an "official" passport are subject to restrictions when leaving Bangladesh. In most cases, they have to provide a valid reason for leaving Bangladesh, such as a business trip, or medical treatment. "Official" passport holders are not usually allowed to leave for vacations or pleasure-seeking trips. Like the "regular" or "tourist" passport, the "official" passport also has a green cover.
Diplomatic passport (red cover)
This type of passport can only be held by Bangladeshi citizens who are members or staff of the diplomatic community. This passport provides visa free access to more countries than the "official" passport. "Diplomatic" passports can be distinctly identified by their red cover which sets them apart from the green-colored "tourist", "regular" or "official" passports.
[edit] Visa Free and Visa-on-arrival Travel
The following countries offer visa-free or visa-on-arrival services for Bangladesh passport holders.
Issuance of a passport against expired (10 years)
Issuance of a passport against expired (10 years) /page exhausted /damaged passport
The holder of a passport may apply for issuance of a new passport in case of the following:
If the existing passport has completed 10 years of validity, or
The existing passport will complete 10 years in the next six months, or
The pages of the passport have been exhausted due to use, or
The passport has only 3 pages left, or
The passport has been damaged partially or fully.
The following documents are required to be submitted:
Completed Passport Application Form in duplicate. Application forms must be filled in fully, legibly and accurately (preferably typed or filled in with a computer). The form must be signed at all requested places. Incomplete application form will not be processed.
4 (four) 40mmx50mm / passport size photographs. (two photographs on each of the application forms)
Passport Processing Fees in one of the accepted methods of payment.
Existing passport (in original) [Please note that the existing passport will be attached (stapled) with the newly issued passport, which will have reference of the existing passport. The holder should not separate the booklets]
In case of a female applicant, who wishes to replace father's name with husband's name (mentioned at Sl. 9 in the application form), the applicant should provide a copy of her marriage certificate.
Please note the following:
a) Validity: The new passport will be valid, either for ten years from the date of issuance or for five years from the date of expiry of the existing (old) passport, whichever is earlier.
b) Issuance of a passport against a passport which has lost its validity long time back: If the passport has not been renewed for more than five years, it has to be renewed to the present times before issuance of a new passport. In such a case the applicant has to pay renewal fees for the entire elapsed period i.e. from date of expiry to the present. In addition, the applicant has to pay fees for issuance of a new booklet.
For example, let us consider that a passport was issued on 16 December 1989 and was valid until 15 December 1999. The holder now wants to apply for a new passport against this existing (expired) passport. In this particular case, the applicant has to submit two applications: a) application for renewal with payment of renewal fees for the elapsed period (i.e. from the date of expiry to the date of application); and b) application for a new passport with payment of fees (see below) for a new passport. Please note that in such cases, the renewal fees and passport application fees are to be paid in separate money orders.
On receipt of such applications, the old passport will be renewed (up to the present times) and a new passport will be issued for five years (from the new expiry date of the old passport). Both the passports will be stapled to gather and returned to the holder. The new passport will have reference of the old passport.
c) Interview: Personal appearance at the Consulate for interview is not obligatory in such cases.
d) Service by mail: Application for new passport booklet against an expired / page exhausted /damaged passport may be RECEIVED and DELIVERED by mail. Please read instructions for Mail-in-Service for details.
Issuance of a passport against a lost / stolen /destroyed passport
In case a passport is lost, stolen or destroyed, the applicant must come in person and submit the following documents:
Completed Passport Application Form in duplicate.[Application forms must be filled in fully, legibly and accurately (preferably typed or filled in with a computer). The form must be signed at all requested places. Incomplete application form will not be processed];
4 (four) 40mmx50mm / passport size photographs. (two photographs on each of the application forms);
Passport Processing Fees in one of the accepted methods of payment;
Photocopy of the lost passport;
Original birth certificate / nationality certificate issued by the local Municipal Corporation or the Union Parishad (where the applicant used to live while in Bangladesh) or by a Class-I Gazetted Officer of the Government of Bangladesh; and
Photocopies of valid Bangladesh passports of two attesters (pages 1-7 and the page where the validity is mentioned (if any). The attesters must sign the application form.
Proof of remittance of foreign currency to Bangladesh;
In case of a female applicant, who wishes to insert husband's name, the applicant should provide a copy of marriage certificate.
Please note the following:
a) Interview: The applicant must come in person for an interview with the consular officer, in case of an application against a lost/stolen/ destroyed passport.
b) Validity: Validity of the new passport (issued against a lost passport) is two years from the date of issuance. On expiry of validity, this passport can be renewed for any period up to 5 years from the date of issuance. See renewal section for more information.
c) Service by mail: Applications for passport against a lost passport are not accepted by mail.
Issuance of passport to children who were endorsed earlier in their mother's passport
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Children endorsed earlier in their mother's passport may also apply for a new passport. But, in such a case the applicant has to appear in person at the Consulate General with his/her guardians and submit the following:
Completed Passport Application Form in duplicate. Application forms must be filled in fully, legibly and accurately (preferably typed or filled in with a computer). The form must be signed at all requested places. Incomplete application form will not be processed.
4 (four) 40mmx50mm / passport size photographs. (two photographs on each of the application forms)
Passport Processing Fees in one of the accepted methods of payment.
Mother's passport (valid or expired);
Photocopy of the first nine pages of mother's passport
Please note that :
a) Interview: The applicant must come in person for an interview with the consular officer at the time of submission of application along with his/her guardian.
b) Validity: Validity of the new passport will be five years from the date of issuance.
c) Service by mail: Applications for a separate passport for children, endorsed earlier to mother's passport, are not accepted by mail.
Processing Time
The processing time for issuance of a passport are as follows:
Delivery Type Processing Time
Ordinary 15 days
Urgent 3 working days
Applications received by mail are processed within the stipulated time (please note that the processing time does not include the time taken in mail). However, this time schedule does not apply in case REFERENCE HAS TO BE MADE TO COMPETENT AUTHORITIES IN BANGLADESH. In such cases the applicant will be informed by the Consulate General.
Processing Fees
The present rates for issuance of a new passport booklet are as follows:
Booklet Size Processing Fees(in US $)
Ordinary delivery within 15 days Urgent delivery within 3 working days
48 pages 110.00 165.00
Fees are payable to the Consulate General of Bangladesh, New York in the form of a Money Order/Bank Draft/Certified Cheque. For details, please click Method of Payment.
Validity of a Passport
Validity of the new passport (issued against an existing passport on expiry of 10 years validity) will be for five years from the date of expiry of existing passport or from the date of issuance of the new passport, whichever is earlier.
In case, the passport is issued against a damaged/page exhausted passport, the validity of the (new) passport (usually termed as DUPLICATE passport) will be that of the existing passport.
In case the passport is issued against a lost/ stolen /destroyed passport, the validity of the new passport will be for two years from the date of issue.
Validity of passport issued to children after separation from mother's passport is five years from the date of issuance.
The holder of a passport may apply for issuance of a new passport in case of the following:
If the existing passport has completed 10 years of validity, or
The existing passport will complete 10 years in the next six months, or
The pages of the passport have been exhausted due to use, or
The passport has only 3 pages left, or
The passport has been damaged partially or fully.
The following documents are required to be submitted:
Completed Passport Application Form in duplicate. Application forms must be filled in fully, legibly and accurately (preferably typed or filled in with a computer). The form must be signed at all requested places. Incomplete application form will not be processed.
4 (four) 40mmx50mm / passport size photographs. (two photographs on each of the application forms)
Passport Processing Fees in one of the accepted methods of payment.
Existing passport (in original) [Please note that the existing passport will be attached (stapled) with the newly issued passport, which will have reference of the existing passport. The holder should not separate the booklets]
In case of a female applicant, who wishes to replace father's name with husband's name (mentioned at Sl. 9 in the application form), the applicant should provide a copy of her marriage certificate.
Please note the following:
a) Validity: The new passport will be valid, either for ten years from the date of issuance or for five years from the date of expiry of the existing (old) passport, whichever is earlier.
b) Issuance of a passport against a passport which has lost its validity long time back: If the passport has not been renewed for more than five years, it has to be renewed to the present times before issuance of a new passport. In such a case the applicant has to pay renewal fees for the entire elapsed period i.e. from date of expiry to the present. In addition, the applicant has to pay fees for issuance of a new booklet.
For example, let us consider that a passport was issued on 16 December 1989 and was valid until 15 December 1999. The holder now wants to apply for a new passport against this existing (expired) passport. In this particular case, the applicant has to submit two applications: a) application for renewal with payment of renewal fees for the elapsed period (i.e. from the date of expiry to the date of application); and b) application for a new passport with payment of fees (see below) for a new passport. Please note that in such cases, the renewal fees and passport application fees are to be paid in separate money orders.
On receipt of such applications, the old passport will be renewed (up to the present times) and a new passport will be issued for five years (from the new expiry date of the old passport). Both the passports will be stapled to gather and returned to the holder. The new passport will have reference of the old passport.
c) Interview: Personal appearance at the Consulate for interview is not obligatory in such cases.
d) Service by mail: Application for new passport booklet against an expired / page exhausted /damaged passport may be RECEIVED and DELIVERED by mail. Please read instructions for Mail-in-Service for details.
Issuance of a passport against a lost / stolen /destroyed passport
In case a passport is lost, stolen or destroyed, the applicant must come in person and submit the following documents:
Completed Passport Application Form in duplicate.[Application forms must be filled in fully, legibly and accurately (preferably typed or filled in with a computer). The form must be signed at all requested places. Incomplete application form will not be processed];
4 (four) 40mmx50mm / passport size photographs. (two photographs on each of the application forms);
Passport Processing Fees in one of the accepted methods of payment;
Photocopy of the lost passport;
Original birth certificate / nationality certificate issued by the local Municipal Corporation or the Union Parishad (where the applicant used to live while in Bangladesh) or by a Class-I Gazetted Officer of the Government of Bangladesh; and
Photocopies of valid Bangladesh passports of two attesters (pages 1-7 and the page where the validity is mentioned (if any). The attesters must sign the application form.
Proof of remittance of foreign currency to Bangladesh;
In case of a female applicant, who wishes to insert husband's name, the applicant should provide a copy of marriage certificate.
Please note the following:
a) Interview: The applicant must come in person for an interview with the consular officer, in case of an application against a lost/stolen/ destroyed passport.
b) Validity: Validity of the new passport (issued against a lost passport) is two years from the date of issuance. On expiry of validity, this passport can be renewed for any period up to 5 years from the date of issuance. See renewal section for more information.
c) Service by mail: Applications for passport against a lost passport are not accepted by mail.
Issuance of passport to children who were endorsed earlier in their mother's passport
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Children endorsed earlier in their mother's passport may also apply for a new passport. But, in such a case the applicant has to appear in person at the Consulate General with his/her guardians and submit the following:
Completed Passport Application Form in duplicate. Application forms must be filled in fully, legibly and accurately (preferably typed or filled in with a computer). The form must be signed at all requested places. Incomplete application form will not be processed.
4 (four) 40mmx50mm / passport size photographs. (two photographs on each of the application forms)
Passport Processing Fees in one of the accepted methods of payment.
Mother's passport (valid or expired);
Photocopy of the first nine pages of mother's passport
Please note that :
a) Interview: The applicant must come in person for an interview with the consular officer at the time of submission of application along with his/her guardian.
b) Validity: Validity of the new passport will be five years from the date of issuance.
c) Service by mail: Applications for a separate passport for children, endorsed earlier to mother's passport, are not accepted by mail.
Processing Time
The processing time for issuance of a passport are as follows:
Delivery Type Processing Time
Ordinary 15 days
Urgent 3 working days
Applications received by mail are processed within the stipulated time (please note that the processing time does not include the time taken in mail). However, this time schedule does not apply in case REFERENCE HAS TO BE MADE TO COMPETENT AUTHORITIES IN BANGLADESH. In such cases the applicant will be informed by the Consulate General.
Processing Fees
The present rates for issuance of a new passport booklet are as follows:
Booklet Size Processing Fees(in US $)
Ordinary delivery within 15 days Urgent delivery within 3 working days
48 pages 110.00 165.00
Fees are payable to the Consulate General of Bangladesh, New York in the form of a Money Order/Bank Draft/Certified Cheque. For details, please click Method of Payment.
Validity of a Passport
Validity of the new passport (issued against an existing passport on expiry of 10 years validity) will be for five years from the date of expiry of existing passport or from the date of issuance of the new passport, whichever is earlier.
In case, the passport is issued against a damaged/page exhausted passport, the validity of the (new) passport (usually termed as DUPLICATE passport) will be that of the existing passport.
In case the passport is issued against a lost/ stolen /destroyed passport, the validity of the new passport will be for two years from the date of issue.
Validity of passport issued to children after separation from mother's passport is five years from the date of issuance.
Passport Services for Bangladesh Citizens
Passport Services for Bangladesh Citizens
Bangladesh Embassy remains open Saturday through Wednesday. Office hours are 8.00 am to 4.00 pm. Counters for receiving passport renewal/issuance fees remain open up to 12.30 noon. INDIVIDUAL APPLICANTS:1. Bangladesh Embassy in Riyadh or Bangladesh Consulate in Jeddah has not appointed any agent through which passports can be renewed/issued. 2. Passport holder himself can tender his passport to the counter of Bangladesh Embassy and get it renewed/issued. 3. Bangladesh Embassy team regularly visits outlying areas to render consular services including renewal/issuance of Bangladesh passports. Notice of such visits are published in this website, the daily news papers and circulated in the Bangladeshi concentrated companies. APPLICATION THROUGH COMPANY REPRESENTATIVES: A company may send passports of their Bangladeshi workers through a designated employee of the company as representative. The representative must produce a letter of authority from the company in their letter pad containing the following: 1. Name and iqama number of the representative 2. Passport size photograph of the representative duly attested by an authorized official of the company. 3. List of passports sent including name of passport holder and passport number. 4. Clearly specify the mode of services required i, e, urgent or ordinary. LOST PASSPORTS: Requirements for the lost passport are the following: 1. Copy of the old passport and copy of Iqama. 2. Certificate from Immigration to issue a new passport in lieu of lost one in original. 3. Original computer print from the Immigration office. 4. Copy of the advirtisement in news paper with its name and date. 5. Letter from the sponsor to Embassy in original. 6. 8 copies of recent photographs. (6 copies of passport size (40 X 50 mm) and 2 copies of stamp size photograps.) 7. A prescribed ‘form for new passport’ to be filled up and submitted. 8. A prescribed ‘form of Notary’ to be filled up and submitted. 9. Ordinary fee is applicable and to be delivered after 07 days. FEES AND DELIVERY TIME: Urgent fee for 5 years renewal/issue of passports of general workers is SR 250.00, while ordinary fee is SR 125.00. Please see below table for other professionals passport fees. Urgent passports are delivered at 3.00 pm on the same day, while ordinary ones after one week. Fees must be paid in cash (Saudi Riyals). The Embassy cannot accept checks or credit cards. Click
here for detailsPrint
Passport Application Forms-->FEES DETAIL: For Generals (other than Professionals):
New Passport
SAR 250.00
SAR 125.00
Renewal (for one year)
SAR 50.00
SAR 25.00
Renewal (for two year)
SAR 100.00
SAR 50.00
Renewal (for three year)
SAR 150.00
SAR 75.00
Renewal (for four year)
SAR 200.00
SAR 100.00
Renewal (for five year)
SAR 250.00
SAR 125.00
SAR 85.00
SAR 45.00
SAR 25.00
SAR 25.00
Travel permit
SAR 145.00
SAR 75.00For Professionals (Doctor, Engineer, Lawyer, Teacher, Architect, Pharmacist, Computer Programmer, Chemist, Embassy officials, Manager and Accountant):
New Passport
SAR 620.00
SAR 415.00
Renewal (for one year)
SAR 125.00
SAR 85.00
Renewal (for two year)
SAR 250.00
SAR 165.00
Renewal (for three year)
SAR 370.00
SAR 250.00
Renewal (for four year)
SAR 495.00
SAR 330.00
Renewal (for five year)
SAR 620.00
SAR 415.00
SAR 310.00
SAR 165.00
SAR 25.00
SAR 25.00
Travel permit
SAR 145.00
SAR 75.00
Bangladesh Embassy remains open Saturday through Wednesday. Office hours are 8.00 am to 4.00 pm. Counters for receiving passport renewal/issuance fees remain open up to 12.30 noon. INDIVIDUAL APPLICANTS:1. Bangladesh Embassy in Riyadh or Bangladesh Consulate in Jeddah has not appointed any agent through which passports can be renewed/issued. 2. Passport holder himself can tender his passport to the counter of Bangladesh Embassy and get it renewed/issued. 3. Bangladesh Embassy team regularly visits outlying areas to render consular services including renewal/issuance of Bangladesh passports. Notice of such visits are published in this website, the daily news papers and circulated in the Bangladeshi concentrated companies. APPLICATION THROUGH COMPANY REPRESENTATIVES: A company may send passports of their Bangladeshi workers through a designated employee of the company as representative. The representative must produce a letter of authority from the company in their letter pad containing the following: 1. Name and iqama number of the representative 2. Passport size photograph of the representative duly attested by an authorized official of the company. 3. List of passports sent including name of passport holder and passport number. 4. Clearly specify the mode of services required i, e, urgent or ordinary. LOST PASSPORTS: Requirements for the lost passport are the following: 1. Copy of the old passport and copy of Iqama. 2. Certificate from Immigration to issue a new passport in lieu of lost one in original. 3. Original computer print from the Immigration office. 4. Copy of the advirtisement in news paper with its name and date. 5. Letter from the sponsor to Embassy in original. 6. 8 copies of recent photographs. (6 copies of passport size (40 X 50 mm) and 2 copies of stamp size photograps.) 7. A prescribed ‘form for new passport’ to be filled up and submitted. 8. A prescribed ‘form of Notary’ to be filled up and submitted. 9. Ordinary fee is applicable and to be delivered after 07 days. FEES AND DELIVERY TIME: Urgent fee for 5 years renewal/issue of passports of general workers is SR 250.00, while ordinary fee is SR 125.00. Please see below table for other professionals passport fees. Urgent passports are delivered at 3.00 pm on the same day, while ordinary ones after one week. Fees must be paid in cash (Saudi Riyals). The Embassy cannot accept checks or credit cards. Click
here for detailsPrint
Passport Application Forms-->FEES DETAIL: For Generals (other than Professionals):
New Passport
SAR 250.00
SAR 125.00
Renewal (for one year)
SAR 50.00
SAR 25.00
Renewal (for two year)
SAR 100.00
SAR 50.00
Renewal (for three year)
SAR 150.00
SAR 75.00
Renewal (for four year)
SAR 200.00
SAR 100.00
Renewal (for five year)
SAR 250.00
SAR 125.00
SAR 85.00
SAR 45.00
SAR 25.00
SAR 25.00
Travel permit
SAR 145.00
SAR 75.00For Professionals (Doctor, Engineer, Lawyer, Teacher, Architect, Pharmacist, Computer Programmer, Chemist, Embassy officials, Manager and Accountant):
New Passport
SAR 620.00
SAR 415.00
Renewal (for one year)
SAR 125.00
SAR 85.00
Renewal (for two year)
SAR 250.00
SAR 165.00
Renewal (for three year)
SAR 370.00
SAR 250.00
Renewal (for four year)
SAR 495.00
SAR 330.00
Renewal (for five year)
SAR 620.00
SAR 415.00
SAR 310.00
SAR 165.00
SAR 25.00
SAR 25.00
Travel permit
SAR 145.00
SAR 75.00
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